Community Action

So science and education…

I’m going to explore the factors that influence how school pupils and teachers feel about science in education, primarily looking at extra curricular activities. Also the media and gender are going to be looked at in less depth – and only in my research unless anyone has any bright ideas as to how they can be woven into my practical!

I’m getting really quite excited about my practical element. Science at our school is the ‘forgotten’ subject unless you’re a sixth form scientist which is a tiny minority so I’m trying to change that. We started off with big ideas of a proper science fair but the lovely year 9 and 10 just weren’t interested so we’ve had to adapt our ideas rather but we’re getting there! Slowly…

The research is proving fascinating. There is such a wealth of information that I’ve been able to access, and I’ve designed a set of questionnaires which I shall be badgering people to complete. I’m really looking forward to gathering everything together and writing it up post exams.

Then the final part shall be my presentation in September!

1 Response to Community Action

  1. Hey, I found you clicking through from Strictly Guiding (and I’m another Siobhan, hello!)
    Have you seen this? science, media and guiding!

    Depending how much time/resources you have, a fun workshop/competition to write the best news article from a piece of science ‘research’ could be fun. I don’t know where you are (or how much you know about all these things already), but universities in your area will run “Outreach” programs, so you could contact them. Also check out the links on the British Science Festival website, and a search for “Science communication” should give you some good ideas and advice for your practical part.

    Good luck with your Queen’s Guide award! University life got in the way of being too involved in extra Guiding things in the past few years, and I’m now (just!) too late to start it. Oh well. Don’t let uni get in the way!

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